admaDIC IT Solutions & Digital Media

Minds and Stars

Minds and Stars

Minds and Stars

by admaDIC / Rainer Schwarze

Supports MindWave™ Mobile+ EEG-Headset by NeuroSky, Inc. and Apple TV®

Link to App Store page: Minds and Stars ( )


In "Minds and Stars" you energize stars with your mind. With meditation and attention levels read by an EEG headset from your brain, you light up starlets and drag them to the star.


  • Light up starlets using meditation
  • Drag them to the star using attention

Use "Minds and Stars" to train your attention or meditation level.

NOTE: "Minds and Stars" reads data from NeuroSky's MindWave™ Mobile+ EEG headset, which must be purchased separately. You can play without a headset, but will have no attention and meditation sensoring.

MindWave™ and NeuroSky® are trademarks of NeuroSky, Inc.
"Minds in Space" and admaDIC are not related or affiliated with NeuroSky, Inc.



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Apple TV

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MindWave™ and NeuroSky® are trademarks of NeuroSky, Inc.
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Last Change: Sep 27 21:35:21 2020 GMT